
God is soooooooooooo Amazing! I just got a call that was so refreshing.

Have you ever had something on you heart for a long time but for whatever reason, you sit on it, instead of taking to the Lord? I am guilty. For over a year, I've been holding on to the familiar, staying in my comfort zone but because I was not where the Lord wanted me, my comfort zone, was in no way comfortable. The Lord had given me specific instructions about a certain situation and I basally did some but not all of it. Guess what... it doesn't work that way. It's either all or nothing.

"See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse -- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known" (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)

About four month ago, the conviction was so strong on the matter, that I just broke down and went to the Lord and asked for forgiveness and to please grant me the strength to follow through. Also about that time, we started a study on Prayer in school, it was such a magnificent study. It taught the when, how, why, the ins and the outs and so much more. I started applying it and our life as a family, started to change in big ways. I've always prayed but nothing like I do now.  Along with my new prayer life, came even more revelations about myself and everything around me.  What Ive learned, I've not only applied to my life but have been sharing with others and my children. I have to say for the first time, my children now pray openly, with me and by themselves. I can't tell you how amazing it is to hear them in their room, off to themselves, talking with the Lord. Of course, when you have an amazing prayer life, you ushering in an amazing praise Life as well. We, get our Praise on in the Patterson household. lol

So, tonight I received a call and the call, completely released me of all the Lord showed me to move away from. I know they thought I was absolutely bonkers because I busted out laughing, even caught myself off guard but I couldn't help it. It was a serious, WOW moment. This last month, the Lord has really been working , moving, showing out on the behalf of me, my families and friends. He has also been using me to minister, pray and be of service to those in need or just need help, doors have been open, networking continue to fall in my lap.  JUST WOW! Lord I Praise You!!!

I am more than thrilled to embark on this next leg of my journey. I'm so excited ! The kids start school, in a few weeks and I'm finishing up my last few classes, to only start school back up, when they do.We will be traveling and studying together. I plan on enjoying every min of it because the Lord, will surely be with us on every single leg of our journey. I have to say as well. I'm excepting great things to happen as we go as well.

Tonight, I've been release, Praise God and will keep my eyes from now on where they were supposed to be all along, on The Lord and His perfect will in and over our Life.I want what the Lord has shown me is to be mine , if I life of full service to Him.

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