Back down memory lane

(disclaimer: These are only childhood memories, can't say much more than that,lol)

Last night I had an opportunity to talk to a young lady(yes because we are still young,lol I'm only 25 for the umpteenth year.) that I went to school with name Amy. I truly enjoyed our talk, such as it was, because we basically laughed through he entire conversation.

It's funny when you think of your high school. I know so many people may cringe, but despite all I went though , the good, the bad and the extremely ugly, I really enjoyed it. I can't say I remember my high school being extremely clique, however there was defiantly groups of faithful friends. My rule back then, pretty much the way it is now, if you got along with me, I got alone with you. I could have cared less about your hair, or fashion sense, the money your parents had or car your drove. Heart and personality always carried a big impact on my acceptance of an individual.

So anyways Amy and I were cracking up about a trip to a spook house. I was about 14 and driving very illegally yet I was allowed to do so, so I did. So it was decided a group of us would head about 10 miles out of our city to go to a this spook house that was once a old hospital called Jane Chin. It was rumored to be haunted, so our desire to get there was stronger than ever( we had no clue back then about dipping and dabbling in things like that, it was only fun for us, Thank God for his mercy and wisdom now.). I went from house to house picking up all that was going with us. it wasn't until I got to a friends house, that a her mother questioned my age and ability to be driving. at which I had no real response, because I had no desire to lie ( hahahah I was such a perfect little angel,lol) but I didn't have to because another one of the young ladies, quickly spoke up for me and told the other girls young mother, I had permission and I was a very safe driver. So we all loaded up and off we went with a curfew.

We arrived safely, got in line giggling and acting like typical teens. We entered the spook house and the fun began. I don't think any of us realized just how scary it really was. We screeched,screamed, cried and even hit every creature that came at us. At one point one a young lady hit one of the masked villains of doom so hard they ended up stopping us, turning on the lights and checking the poor guy and only let us continue with a warning not to do it again. ROTF Poor Amy, got so scared at one point while we were forced to walk on our knees in one section, ran directly into a heating duct(???)and she jacked herself up pretty good. LOL sorry Amy, it was funny,lol. Upon making it out, we instantly gained our nerves of steal back and all had a great laugh about our experience. It was time to get home because the curfew was closely approaching.Things were going great until, I managed to fall in a hole and ended up throwing the car keys off into the darkness and into tons of fall leaves. LOL. Talk about the fear of God being placed in 5 young girls with the though of being late for curfew. We all searched frantically for those keys on our hands and knees until we found them.

Now I don't remember if we made it home on time, or if any of us got in trouble, but I do remember having a very silent ride home,lol

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