Noooooooo, not my Ice Cream!

My favorite ice cream in the entire world used to be Chubby Hubby by Ben and Jerry's, however times have changed and the company with it. They have decided , it is extremely important for them to support Freedom to Marry. Freedom to Marry is the gay and non-gay partnership working to win marriage equality nationwide. We promote the national conversation about why marriage equality matters while bringing together partner organizations into a larger whole, a shared civil rights campaign and now MY ICE CREAM... is also openly following them as well. So what do you do?

Personally, I can not support homosexuality . Now mind you, I'm not one of those who will go out and in the name of Jesus and go bash someone head in, but I won't support, by or purchase from any company that does. It also doesn't mean I HATE men or women who choose( because it is a choice) to live a homosexual lifestyle. I don't feel they should be cast aside or killed, or hurt and in fact although i do not , will not support a homosexual lifestyle. I won't knock their personal decision to do so. The lord has allowed all of us free will. That means EVERYONE, but being disobedient has a heavy price to pay.

It does mean I'll pray for them, ask the Lord to direct me in his will to minister to anyone who is living this lifestyle and I'm almost certain he will direct me to do so out of love, compassion and weather you like it or not, some understanding, so that I can minister to them appropriately and get through. I will also be contacting Ben and Jerry and let them know how I feel as former customer, a christian and ice cream addict, who LOVED me some Chubby Hubby because I'm a very proactive person and I believe closed mouths don't get feed. PLUS , this stuff was so good, a weakness... so I need to let them know how horrible I feel not being able to cuddle up to my Chubby Hubby.

LOL, I just wrote the last few sentences,lol It made me laugh. You know how we always ask the Lord for help to overcome weaknesses. For the last few weeks have been doing just that, sometimes with a pint of chubby hubby in tow,lol Haaaaaaaaaa. My weakness JUNK FOOD, SUGAR...I'm not here to lie, I'm being real,lol. So today's news stopped me cold turkey. Who says the Lord doesn't have a since of humor? You ask, you shall receive, lol. Plus this gives me the challenge of making my own version and I'll call it Plump Spouse.

Good By Chubby Hubby, Good bye!

Good Bye Chubby,
we were once the best of pals
Good bye chubby....
you made me who I am, a big ole gal

I shall no longer eat you, oh so cold and so comforting
I shall no longer have the dream of candy fields and flowing ice cream cubby hubby streams.

LOL Ok , there is no way I'm going to sit here and really write a poem about ice cream, geeeeees! Because in all honesty, The ice cream is not really the issues. My stand and walk in the Lord is. I mean how hard is it for us not to know, if a company or product we have been supporting for years is in fact supporting something that goes against our personal belief systems as Christians? How many of us do research to check these type things out? In all honesty, if i hadn't gotten this email today I would have not known , until i went to go pick up my fix. Now , please misunderstand, I do not feel the Lord will come and strike you down for buying a dish detergent, from a company that support Freedom to Marry, but I do think after finding out the truth about such an instance, and you either choosing to ignore it, go with it or decided you can do without it, and take a stand for what you believe in. Look at how far you have come, are you really willing to possibly risk it all int he end, because you did not stand firm on the word of God?

I don't claim to know everything but I am spirit lead and when the Holy Spirit quickens me I act, not always when I'm supposed to, and sometimes to late, but if i don't make my mark the conviction is strong and really not worth it. So here is what I do know. If you buy say, any Ben and Jerry's ice cream, you are in fact giving them gusto to add more support for organizations like Freedom to Marry but hey if you don't mind going against the Word of God, then go for it. Then in doing that you support even a bigger cause called Religious Institute and they are specifically sending people to hell on rockets on a daily basis, by teaching and spreading lies about the God we serve and his stance on homosexuality.

The word of God has this to say about the homosexual lifestyle...

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

In case your not sure what abomination means . It means anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred. A vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Now we should all Thank God we are not living in the Old testament, or under the same convenient, because Life was harsh in early Old Testament times. The wanderings and struggle for survival of the Israelite s did not permit prisons or rehabilitation. Anyone who deviated seriously from the norm was either stoned to death or exiled. Thank God for grace , mercy and his son, Jesus who died on the cross for our sins. So see there is hope for everyone, in the form of deliverance, including anyone who is currently living in sin. Know that if we aren't willing to stand firm, teach and spread the word of God, so many will be lost. Maybe a close friend, family member, or child, maybe even us. So is it worth it?

Pay attention, once the truth is revealed, don't continue following it. Pray about it, Ask God what his will for your life is and stand!

If there are typos, then... well if you got this far, who cares, you understood, LOL.

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